
Knowledge is power and we take the opportunity in April to raise awareness about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how they may impact our lives. Our goal is to reduce the stigma, fear, and anxiety around STIs and ensure individuals have the tools and knowledge to test for and treat these infections.

Importance of Sexual Health

It is time to start prioritizing our sexual health as it is a significant contributing factor to one's overall happiness and wellbeing. Despite social stigma and historically negative perspectives surrounding sexual activity, scientific evidence indicates that a positive attitude towards sexuality is associated with improved overall wellbeing.

STI Screening in Young People

One in five people in the U.S had an STI, totaling 68 million infections in 2018 . Of these cases, almost half were new infections within young individuals between the ages of 15-24. The uptake of routine STI screening for young people is low—estimated in one study to be under 12% —and has been attributed to numerous factors including the stigma associated with attending STI clinics, embarrassment, and the inconvenience of attending a brick-and-mortar testing location.

Know your Status & Get Tested

It is important to understand that STIs are preventable, and all infections are treatable. Preventing the spread of these infections and minimizing your own risk starts with getting tested. Knowing what kind of test to take can be confusing and difficult. That is why we provide customers with the option to take a simple quiz to help find the right personalized test binx everywhere gives individuals the privacy of an at-home sample collection kit that offers the potential to address key barriers, while still providing quality, comprehensive care. It is time to focus on our wellbeing and sexual health. Get tested today with binx.